Book: ‘The Power of Home Numbers’

New 2023 editions — Now available in English, French, Spanish, & Dutch!

The information in this book is all true. It is based on Jesse Kalsi’s more than twenty years of experience in using numbers to help thousands of people find happiness and success.

Available in Print & Digital 

the Power of Home Numbers 2023, Jesse Kalsi


This is the story of countless people with whom I’ve met over the past twenty years. I read their energies based on their house numbers, name numbers, dates of birth, telephone numbers, business numbers, business addresses, bank account numbers, Social Security numbers and every other kind of number. I read their energies, singly and in various combinations. Based on my intuition and knowledge and by the grace of God, I am thankful to have been able to be of service to thousands of people. I have learned, the hard way, that I benefit from working with my own personal numbers and that I suffer when I ignore what the numbers tell me.

—Jesse Kalsi